Posted by AdaGrace on November 27, 2004, at 7:39:16
In reply to Saddened by Susan's Block, posted by AdaGrace on November 26, 2004, at 18:49:55
Susan my dear rest assured,
I am thinking of you and a cureI don't know how to rhyme
but I certainly will try
because now it the time
for you to read on the slyThings to do in Babbleland when you are dead (metaphorically of course)
#1. Read everyone's posts, chuckle and then write down on a piece of paper your response. Be sure to fill it with lots of cuss words because on your own paper you can do what ever you want to Missy.
#2. Make lots of brownies, and find a way to send one (or a dozen) to AdaGrace
#3. Sit by the Christmas tree and watch the lights and be so very thankful you already have your tree up, unlike AdaGrace who has yet to get the changlings to clean up the area so as to get the dern tree in the room.
#4. Go to the supermarket, fill up your cart with lots of frozen turkeys and when you get to the checkout, say, "Whew, I didn't think I was going to be able to get these Turkeys at the last minute before Thanksgiving" When the checkout clerk informs you that Thanksgiving is over, have a mad fit about nobody telling you and storm out of the store not putting the turkeys back.
#5. Sit in the park and make up stories about the people you watch. Be sure to either bring a friend to do this with or write them down and share with us later.
#6. Write a list of appropriate replacements for all the bad words not allowed on here. Perhaps get a thesaurus and see how many you can come up with. Are foreign cuss words allowed? I'm not sure, I'll have to check.
#6.4 I used "puta" earlier in a post, hope that wasn't offensive to someone. Sorry if it was.
#7. Confess your sins, or not. For all you Catholics out there, that is what I used to try to do every Sat. night when I would go to church, go to confession, and then party my tooshy off.
#8. Read a good trashy romance novel and then take a nice loooooooonng hot bath.
#9. Watch a good movie, rent one or buy it, so you can watch it over and over and over again and then memorize the good parts. That one I was talking about a few weeks ago with Meg Ryan, that was a good one. Had a great sex scene in it. Now golly gee......what was the name of it Wally?
#10. Buy a new CD of your favorite artist and play it over and over while taking that hot bath and memorize the words so you can sing it next time you descide to go out and kereoke. Or not.
Geeeeeeeeeeze Susan, this is no fun if you can't respond. How bout this. E-mail me. Wait, no, you can't babblemail. How bout this, I will give you an old e-mail addy I never use, and you can write to me there and I'll tell you the good one that I do use, how bout that? (now if I could only remember the password)
Ada, missing you, Grace