Posted by 64bowtie on August 1, 2004, at 14:33:17
In Search of Ideals and Perfection
Studying any abstraction of the human endeavor requires us to be oriented around stuff we can recognize, touch, and move. Essential to this orientation is a frame of reference, a “home plate” to work from. I am here, now, whereas my plans and goals are to be over there, soon. An eye for how the study is being taken by all requires attention to details of communication.
Perhaps the most important detail is which words we pick and how we use them. Scholars refer to the vernacular and/or the lexicon of the study, establishing the grouping, which the study communicates best in. This is fine for studies up to this point courageous enough to involve information about the two abstractions of feelings and behaviors. Herein, this will be a study containing the third independent variable of the puzzle, that being motive. Feelings, behaviors, and motives are at the source any action by humans.
When comparing humans to other available species, humans are distinct in a very abstract way in that we can make more out of the combination of these three variables than any other known critter. For this reason, studying the balance and out of balance states of human deployment of the combination, probably will lead to discovery and insight into aberrant as well as very normal performance.
Strange but true, what is normal performance has no available standard and very little study of it. Aberrant, troubled, destructive, criminal, and generally unacceptable performance has strict standards and a vast labeling support system, with industries wrapped around these systems, continually absorbing vast amounts of currency and resources for support. Also true, is that this study is mostly a presupposition that has hope of setting the stage for acquiring insight and discovery on into the future.
To that end, let’s start off our march to perfection with the same foot forward. Definitions of commonly used words can be narrowed to improve the focus of the picture being created herein:
1. Freedom = A feeling reaction to progressing past the needs-threshold for overcoming dysfunction and dysfunctional combinations of feelings, behaviors, and motives.
2. Happiness = A feeling reaction to remaining free, and unencumbered by the social-blackmail all must endure by the lack of such freedom.
3. Strength = Simply the ability to withstand, and still persevere.
4. Power = Simply the ability to make-a-difference, no matter how large or small.This study intends to stay away from justification of definitions for the sake of expediency.
The Model
Both ideal and perfection in human performance can be measured against the individual’s ability to achieve freedom and happiness while operating appropriately with substantial amounts of power and strength. This model presupposes that all four elements must be observable separately, as well as in combination, to be valid as ideal and/or perfect measures of human performance.
So, Who and/or What is/are Ideal and/or Perfect?
This study explores the possibilities, not the results, of such a search. Also, this study intends to launch a search for icons of ideal and/or perfect individuals of human performance.
This study now invites all to nominate individuals with adequate and seemingly balanced amounts of freedom, happiness, power, and strength, as narrowly defined above. Keep an eye out for careful use of rights and privilege with acceptance and willingness. Submit your 10 top nominations for examples of optimum freedom and happiness, operating with noticeable power and strength, while managing with acceptance and willingness.
E-mail your submissions to Include your reasons, stories, and anecdotes supporting your choices. The list of icons will be published on January 5th, 2005. This years awards ceremony will be in March or April, 2005.