Posted by 1coyote on April 16, 2004, at 12:23:53
I didn't want to butt into your other thread, so i decided to see if you'd respond to this one. I was in a very similiar position (worse) a year ago - the details aren't important, only that I understand what it's like to go through everyday as if it is a torture. But the main thing I have learned, is that it can always get worse and when it's really bad - you have absolutely no choices. the state tells you where to go, what to do, when you can leave etc. much like being in the hospital - no freedom. Through an excruiciating experience I realized, and relished, the choices I could make. simple ones. Once *you*, *me*, anyone has been continuously victimized, it is all too easy to victimize ourselves without knowing it. Then the choices are taken from us, b/c we cannot be trusted to make good ones on our own, hence the police and hospitals. i only want you to know that you do have choices available to you. You can decide to see a pdoc, be on medication, be in therapy, & after alot of hard work, begin to enjoy life. Nothing stays the same forever, even though we may perceive it to be so. Just please remember, you do have choices and things can get better.