Posted by octopusprime on March 14, 2004, at 16:50:47
(oh the joys of overposting)
so i finally got around to doing some housework today. i only do this when i'm expecting guests or the rodents are threatening to eat all my food or both.
the horror!
so i turn on my vacuum to no effect. i turn it over to see what the problem is. the roller has grown a full head of hair! i never realized how much i liked my hair colour until i saw my vacuum with it. so i got out my screwdriver (which i had just put AWAY, thank you very much) and reverse engineered my vacuum. it's very tricky to give your vacuum a haircut. must not cut all the bristles on the roller. so now the hair is gone and i can vacuum. but now i don't wanna!
geez who knew housework was so unpleasant. i guess that's why i never do it!