Posted by Angielala on January 27, 2004, at 12:30:53
In reply to Re: Another Crap-e Day, posted by Karen_kay on January 27, 2004, at 12:01:29
When I left my last job it was golden. I was suing my boss for sexual harrassment. He was a friend, until he locked me in a bathroom and told me that he and his fiance were in love with me and wanted to see me naked. When I turned him down I got demoted. So I sued him. So on my last day, I went to each person in the office (about 70 or so) and told them I was leaving and that Joe was a pig.
"Bye Paul, good knowing you. Keep in mind that Joe is a disgusting perverted pig"
"Bye Steph, I'll miss you. Keep your boobs hidden or Joe might start asking you to go home with him."
"Bye Mr. President. I'm sorry that you think it's ok to employ digusting, arrogant perverts. Hope you don't lose your whole company."
Then I walked into my boss' office and told him that he shouldn't be allowed to have children and that he deserved to be left at the alter (that was his old fiance). Then I flipped him off and said, "see you in court pig"
I have the same problem with my mouth. It gets me in a lot of trouble... but at least I make people laugh ;)
Oh yeah- I won the lawsuit by the way :)
> My last day at work, I did my own personal goodbye... I walked through the office saying "F you (with finger motions)", "F you", "F you!" ...And when I got to someone I liked I simply said, "And you can kiss my A**!" And I didn't bother saying that at the bar next door, I said it in the office. I used to flirt with my boss, until my last day when he invited me back to his house (EWWWWW!!!!)..Even then I had a few beers and some sushi he bought me. (And I'm not an alcoholic...My job just sucked!!!!) But, he used to take me to the bar next door, where I frequently had liquid lunches. And he knew it, he actually bought them! It helped me get through the day, that and the pill problem I had at the time, but I tell you I never had a problem doing my job. Seriously! I had a problem keeping my mouth shut, but no problem doing my job, they even made me a trainer, so I had to train the new people taking my place...Go figure...Drugs helped me get through the long days...That and the liquid lunch, and the computer sitting on my desk... Luckily, I don't have a pill problem anymore :) I'm actually hesitant to take antianxiety meds even when I REALLY need them...