Posted by 8 Miles on December 19, 2003, at 16:56:10
In reply to Re: Looking to turn my life around (social anxiety), posted by mrgeek on December 19, 2003, at 10:11:02
OK, OK, I think I have it figured out for you. Wellbutrin and clonazepam (Klonopin). You COULD try the amphetamines, but I think they create their own problems, and like cocaine, may actually HARM your dopamine receptors in the long run. I would think you would do well on 150mg SR Wellbutrin with the possible addition of 100mg IR. Your Pdoc would have to find the right dose of clonazepam. As far as social anxiety, Paxil with some sort of benzodiazapine is the "gold standard". I too had problems with SSRI meds. Now, the Wellbutrin tends to amp you up fairly well, and CAN lead to some anxiety and insomnia at first, but these can be readily fixed by a benzo and trazodone (Deseryl) to help you sleep. Some Ambien wouldn't hurt, but most insurance companies have had to require MD prior authorization that it is the only drug that will work in your particular situation (thanks to the law that allowed pharmacuetical companies to advertise on EVERYBODY goes to their DR. asking for these meds, which are expensive for the insurance companies, so they make it a pain in the A** for YOU to get it. I love America). I clearly do not think that you are lost and hopeless by any means. I belive that you can be up and running again in maybe 2-3 months once given the proper meds. Don't give up on this, even if you have to file for Medicaide or go to public clinics. There's no shame in that! Get well, feel productive and self-confident. You never know where you might end up!
Good Luck, and do let me know if I can be of any help to you!
poster:8 Miles