Posted by Destroyo on November 12, 2003, at 13:14:27
I'm given to understand that benzos are widely & cheaply available in Mexico, whether OTC or via easy scripts, not sure which. I'm curious about what effect this wide availability has on their society. I wish a competent researcher who's fluent in Spanish would go to Mexico and look into this.
A part of me would be uneasy about having cheap OTC benzos in America (not that there's any real likelihood of that), because we'd be a "tranq'ed out nation". What bothers me is that I perceive that many people WOULD feel the need for them in such a scenario. America ain't Sweden, or even France. Stress and anxiety or here to stay in the USA. The American people are incredibly compliant to being abused; they won't do anything about it. They seem to be determined to preserve the status quo, even though generally it does not serve them well.
It's interesting that Andrew Solomon, the author of the bestselling The Noonday Demon: An Atlas of Depression, is good looking, articulate, talented, still young, seems to have the benefit of a solid support network of friends, family, and lovers (when he wants), and apparently comes from a fairly wealthy background. Ostensively, he has no "reason(s)" to be depressed. Of course, it doesn't work that way. Sometimes, the eponymous Demon doesn't need an invitation to crash your party.
Solomon confides to the reader that he hoards a stash of barbituates that he somehow finagled in a quantity sufficent to be fatal should he take them all (he also owns a pistol). They're put away for possible use in case he feels like he can't go on. He finds the possession of this option to be comforting. I understand where he's coming from. Shrinks will tell you that you should be afraid to have pills or a gun around, that you might do something rash. Well, that's shrinks for you. Sometimes they just don't seem to get it.
Speaking for myself, I'm glad I own a pistol. That's not a suicide threat, folks, just a statement. You wish you could get rid o' me that easy :-)
I know this is gonna sound hopelessly cynical, but ya know what? If EVERY American had a Solomonic doomsday pill stash, I can practically guarantee you that our quality of life would improve dramatically. You see, the wealthy elites who control this country (with the complaisance of a spineless citizenry) can't exploit you if you're dead!
I don't know what my IQ is, and I don't want to know. I'm as smart as I am, and, simultaneously, I'm as dumb as I am. I don't want to "psych" myself with that information. It's interesting to note that John F. Kennedy had an IQ of 119; not bad, but hardly stratospheric. And yet he had everyone convinced he was brilliant. George W. Bush is probably about in that league. I know he trips over his tongue, but that's just a peccadillo of his. He's quite a savvy politican (unfortunately). Dumb, he ain't. What he IS, is incredibly shallow and arrogant.
I would estimate the IQ of the average shrink to be around 85, except of course for Dr. Bob, whose genius is simply beyond the comprehension of us mere mortals :-)
I would estimate the IQ of my saintly M.D. to be around 150. Him, I can learn from. And I do.