Posted by whyamihere on October 5, 2003, at 5:50:50
Hello to the group! I happened to stumble upon this site, and am very moved by many of the threads I have read. I must confess I actually feel a bit better, as I no longer feel alone in my struggle with depression...and whatever else my doctor says I have this month! To the best of my memory, depression has been a part of my life since the first day I can remember...and that goes very very far first memory is that of my grandmother's chest! She died by the time I was about a little over a year old, but had been ill for a long time...strange that I would remember being held as a baby! (why oh why am I even discussing this?)
Well..that is a bit about myself. I am glad I stumbled upon this site, and am happy to be here.
I am looking forward to following the threads, and I am greatful for having stumbled upon so many supportive people!