Posted by kazoo on March 8, 2003, at 23:43:03
Greetings & Felicitations from "GUEST":
I was wondering if anyone knew what happened to that brilliant, colorful (but not as a Mexican Table Cloth), sharp, handsome Lothario who went by the moniker "KAZOO"?
"i'm here..."
Well, where have you been?
"i'm here..."
That doesn't answer my question, but (then again) you were always noted for your ambivalence.
"i'm here..."
But where?
"i'm here..."
Rumor has it that you've tripped around the world, was captured by a rather large bunch of irate Amazon Women for a week of unbridled, uninhibited lust, fended off an army of Navy ants using just a plastic comb, a glass of water and tapioca pudding hence saving the Hermitage from becoming breakfast, and ...
"i'm here..."
So where is "here"?
" 'HERE' is not 'THERE' so SHUT UP. Suffice it to say &&& i'm here &&& and I'm BACK!"
Me.As we traverse gently on the slippery slope of Time to be inevitably faced with something called the Ultimate Reality, smells like Buddhism to me.
"Bless me Father, for I have sinned and sinned and sinned ... sin as a way of life ... sin as a way of death ... 'Sin' v. 'Nis' now in the U.S. Supreme Court where the violent bear it away as God Rehnquist takes his VICODIN & DILAUDID for an imaginary illness that only he feels, the question being does the man 'feel' at all?"
"Yes, fair Kazoo, you have sinned as I have sinned and the next guy, and the next guy, and the next guy ... ad infinitum ... and God sinned as well, so you must say 14 million 'Our Fathers' and 15 trillion 'Hail Marys' eight miles high to bear the brunt of sin as Atlas did tossing the world from his shoulders whispering 'It's so heavy and I've had enough' ..."
Love's strange.
Greetings to Dr. Bob from this OLD TIMER who once was, and still is ... I remain a faithful reader,
Paging Willow, Paging Willow ...
My heart still beats ... with every breath that I take ...