Posted by notagain on February 22, 2003, at 21:49:30
my boyfreind left to leave the country for a long time more than six months and we broke up before he left a few weeks ago. i was upset and went out and had a coupe drinks and was talking ot this guy i dindt relaly know at this party and went back to his house and we were hanging out and everything was fine then i got uncomfortbale and wanted to leave and he raped me and now i missed my period and donrt now what to do. and im on diffrernt drugs like a ssri and an ap adn im scared to do a pregnacty test because im afraid what it might say so im just staying home scared and scared to tell my doctors but i did tell my pdoc that i misse dmy period. just i didnt tell him what happened. should i tell him?
sorry to write this here i write here sometimes but a diffrernt name and i just wanted to be anonymous i hope thatis allowed.