Posted by gloryb on September 3, 2002, at 9:00:00
In reply to Harassment, posted by MJT76 on September 2, 2002, at 13:26:29
If this boss made comments about your sexuality,
either real or perceived, it was out of bounds.
It's your personal business and harassing a person
about their personal life is definitely wrong.You may not fit a protected class, but there is
enough here to go to a lawyer. Interesting that
the company found she didn't mean what she said.
Did she give an altered set of quotes? Did
she try to make it sound like you were sensitive
and that she never said such things?I'd make a list of the things she said as she
said them. If you are close enough to anyone
there who might back you up, see if they will.
Don't ask anyone loyal to her! Take this to the
lawyer with information from a mental health
professional that you are suffering damage
from what she said.That she was a (probably) hetero woman saying
things about a (perceived as) homsexual man
means she was offending someone different from
herself. This is wrong anyway, and definitely
off limits for management.Unfortuately, my situation involved one middle-aged,
hetero, woman of eastern European descent harrassing
another. Mine was more social. "If you knew
what they think of you....", "They tell me about
you every day....", "I may have to remove you since
I can't ignore all the people....".Turned out there were little comments here and there
and when she really came down on me and I almost
left they said, "if we knew she was doing this
we would have never said anything." What I had
was a woman who didn't like me trying to use
the staff as an excuse. It's harder to do anything
about that, but the psychological damage is
quite real, unfortunately.Keep us informed on how it's going for you.