Posted by Fi on April 25, 2002, at 12:41:25
A few links (totally optional if you check em out, of course!)
Over here we have set up a virtual 'national electronic library for health'. In the last few weeks, a portal for health librarians and info profs has been set up on it - see
Most of it probably wont be relevant in US, but thought you might be interested in the concept.
The information skills section may have some relevant bits, including the link to the RDN 'virtual training suite' which offers online tutorials aimed at a wide range of professions (including one for medics, and a new one for nurses). I like the idea of 'Internet Aviator'!
There's also a journal called 'He@lth Information on the Internet', (not the same as the US 'Health Information on the Internet') Older issues are available free via the website at
The British Medical Journal is free full text at I've just remembered that was the second stage with me and PSB- I'd heard Dr Bob speak, but didnt get round to looking at the Boards till I read his letter ( which included a link.
Phew!! Thats enough work related stuff. You're doing a great job working with your silver surfers- hope you are well enough for some paid work soon, too. If that's what you want to do.