Posted by trouble on March 31, 2002, at 17:48:05
Look out for my love
Look out for my love
Look out for my loveYa own it
Ya own it nowNeil Young
Following is from Rocamora School of Gifted and Talented website, capitalized words in text my emphasis. Pull up a chair, and a silo of cappucino, this one may prove itself a "test" of endurance.
"Self-recognition is not to fuel egotism or elitism, but to align w/ a more powerful, creative part of you that will let your heart, your knowledge, your talent loose on the world."
Mary Rocamora
*large vocabulary
*possessed of an unrelenting and possibly off-the-wall sense of humor
*occupies time usefully w/out external stimulation
*creativity apparent in all areas of endeavor
*the need and energy to develop more capacity2. ENTELECHY
(derived from the Greek for having a goal...PARTICUCAR TYPE of motivation, need for become all that one is capable of being)*deeply involved in creating your own destiny
*continue to believe in yrself and yr vision, even when no one else does
*others attracted to yr vision, wanting to participate3. THE OVEREXCITABILITIES
...particularly prominent in the gifted and creative b/c there we find a higher level of energy and capacity for sustained effort, ENHANCED DIFFERERENTIATION and aliveness of sensual experience; greater avidity for KNOWLEDGE,
DISCOVERY, AND ATTITUDE OF QUESTIONING and questing; greater vividness of imagery, richness of associations...A. Psychomotor excitability
(Not to be confused w/ high intelligence, since many highly intelligent individuals do not enjoy intellectual activities and pursuits)*always questioning everything
*love to explore a wide variety of theories and ideas
*enjoy research analysis and theoretical thinking
*problem-solving a source of immense satisfactionD. Imaginational excitability
*write, speak, think or dream in vivid imagery
*embellish the plain truth in ways that make your end of a conversation more impactful or amusing
*entertain yrself endlessly w/private jokes and wacky visual, auditory, or associational images
*creatively reframe events to support yr perspective on lifeE. Emotional Excitability
*excruciatingly sensitive, w/ intense emotions
*describes feelings w/great precision
*intense emotional attachments to others
*emotions sufficiently profound to take you beyond yrself into areas of PHILOSOPHICAL CONSIDERATION
*high levels of fear, anxiety, depression4. HIGH INTELLIGENCE
...more sophisticated, more global thinkers...their imagination and creativity are often INCOMPREHENSIBLE to the average person...ability to predict consequences...and foresee problems that are likely to to recognize a trend, this allows them to predict and by certain actions, to influence the trend...
*independent thinker, individualistic, mentally self-sufficient
*DIVERGENT thinker, w/unique and interesting perspectives
*enjoy experimenting w/metaphysical ideas
*relentlessly curious and investigative
*verbally agile
*love intense discussions
*exceptional memory
*can work at accelerated pace
*can work w/ extraordinary amounts of mental data5. THE SEARCH FOR TRUTH
*reads extensively on the nature of the mind
*longing for spiritual or mystical experiences that will provide a basis for a deeper understanding6. THE AUTONOMOUS FACTOR
transcends limitations of environment and heredity through self-determination...sense of inner-directedness...
*driven toward self-actualization and self-perfection
*great deal of empathy and compassion for others
*exhibits high level of moral responsibility and integrity9. IDEALISM
*driven to achieve "what could be" when you think of "what is"
*solidly connected to an inner vision and AWARE THAT THIS VISION WILL CONTINUALLY EVOLVE
*feel compelled to connect directly w/painful social ills, so as to educate others
*work tirelessly to make a contribution to better the world, in accordance w/ your ideals"Many gifted women may be seen as threatening to men--and other women--and may feel pain at being different from "the way women are supposed to be"(lapdogs?)
"and feel a need to hide their abilities to "fit in" w/ more "normal" society.Many gifted women hold the belief that they could be exposed as "frauds" or "fakes"...they often "play safe" by avoiding exposure through competitiveness and intellectual challenge...
"One aspect of identity related to giftedness is androgyny...femininity and masculinity not as opposite poles...but rather as parallel sets of traits. An androgynous person will have high levels of both SO CALLED masculine traits, (e.g. independence, autonomy, dominance) and feminine traits (warmth, awareness of others feelings, expressiveness.) In her book "The Lens of Gender sociologist B.Bem argues that gender polarization can be very destructive personally and socially, and that there are many more variations of masculinity and feminity than society usually considers.
"Given that calling a trait "masculine" or "feminine" is a bias, a number of psychologists...have noted that creative people and gifted women tend to be more androgynous.
"Gifted people, having multiple talents, may have low tolerance for frustration, experience hypersensitivity to mediocrity in self and others...
"Social reactions toward women, especially those who are gifted, may be demeaning and hostile. Labels like "scattered", "b*tchy", rather than "multi-faceted" and "ambitious" may result from insecurities people feel around exceptional people.
"Paula J.Caplan, Ph.D feels "it's hard enouught to be gifted and creative in North America, where (unlike in Europe) if yr anything other than the typical person, it's inexcusable-unforgivable in some ways. One possible explanation in that in a
country founded on individual freedom, and where all of us are supposedly created equal-well, what if it turns out some people are smarter than others? This idea is threatening."And more so for women...who aren't supposed to be smart enough to be threatening to a lot of men and to other women, and secondly, one of the myths is that a woman can be competent or smart, or she can be nurturant, but she can't be both. So if you find some woman who's a genius, or is gifted, people automatically assume that she's going to be trouble, she's going to be a b*tch, or deficient. It's like a zero-sum GAME; the more intelligence she has, the less humanity or warmth."
AS dancer Martha Graham said, "There is a vitality, a life force, a quickening that is translated through you into action, adn b/c there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique. And if you BLOCK IT (heh-heh) it will never exist through any other medium and will be lost. The world will not have it. It is not your business to determine how good it is, nor how valuable it is, nor how it compares w/other expressions. It is yur business to keep it yours, clearly and directly, to keep the channel open."
Look out for my love,