Posted by NikkiT2 on March 1, 2001, at 13:27:00
Recently I have been getting more asnd more suicidal... Not really serious, nit like I'm going to do it right now, but over the past week I''ve been thinking about guns. I'm in the UK, and guns are *really* hard to get here, and I know no-one that even has one. Private owning of hand guns is basically illegal, aqnd it's very hard to get a liscence even for a shot gun. The only hand guns can be used is at shotting ranges. Yes, we obviously still have gun crimes, and people do get shot.. but my point is gun owning is pretty rare.
Anyway, Iw as thinking how if I was in the US I would very likely be dead by now. Getting a gun and shotting myself through my forehead seems so damned easy... What if I could have got a gun at these times. So much easier than the other two simplest ways.
This is just a ramble - sorry!!