Posted by judy1 on February 1, 2001, at 20:27:46
I appreciated you effort to understand my reaction. I think anyone on this board who has followed my angst these last few months- the dissociation, the cutting, the depression (and thank God a few days of hypomania) knows what a HUGE issue safety is for me. Because of the support I received with my cutting here, I was able to open up to my shrink about it and get the proper help. A big part of that help involves a therapist who just deals with childhood abuse issues, and we work a lot just making me feel safe. This is tough, tough stuff for me, which may explain why I went off on you. You are so obviously intelligent and write so well, I even quoted a description you wrote of mania to my shrink a while back. I don't remember using the word cruel to you, but if I did I'm sorry. Actually I'm starting to feel guilty about 'obnoxious twit'. Take care, judy