Posted by pat123 on February 1, 2001, at 2:57:42
I have depression (well treated for many years). Work as of late has gotten to be very uncomfortable. I am close to being fired. I work at a Mom and Pop and neither is a good manager or business person. Financally things are grim to they are really comming down hard on the worker bees. The good news is that all of this has forced me look at the current job market and I am now well qualified for positions that pay far more than my present pay. I really need to keep this present job till I find another as it is easyer to get a job if you have one and I don't want to tap mom (just had car die adn she got me one) I am swiming like crazy coming up with sugestions to counter their complaints, one boss is for me and the other is always difficult (I am the longest lived employee there, 3/4 yr) so I feel if I "smile" and show concern and sugest ways I can improve (while I really want to so "cram it")I will make it. I am taking atavin every day now, which is OK, I don't usually take it every day but in the last 10 years have gone thru perions where I do take it every day and have no problems stopping it (I know how to do this) I do meditation but I am bearly keepinh a lid on it. I do have good support, but some of them are in crisis now but others are very helpful. I do OK at work but home time is ruined. I can make a bad day at work a good day by taking more atavin but once I go above 1 mg in a day for too long
my work can get sloppy and I make little mistakes. Not what I want to do !Mood is OK and not depressed. Does anyone have any non med ideas to help me thru ? 4 weeks is what I need. I wish thry would fire me (I will not quit) so I could collect uninployment, but am suspect I might just loaf off and collect the checks. I'm on a roll and don't want to loose that. The next job will pay a very comfortable living. I can be an Atavin zombie for 4 weeks but I went to lunch today and almost did not come back.Pat