Posted by Greg on November 2, 2000, at 8:50:28
In reply to to Theobold Crier aka Anon, posted by Cam W. on November 2, 2000, at 7:12:39
First let me say what a travesty I think it is that you and your wonderful family have had to endure the pain of dealing with our piss-poor judicial system. Suzanne deserved better than this. I hope you choose to push forward with the civil end of this. I think you might have better luck. Either way, you have my support if you need it.
On your "unsolicited e-mail", I wanted to share something with you. There was a recent thread here called "Reasons to live" to which I responded. The next day I rec'd an e-mail from, who I believe, the same person who wrote you. My reason for saying this is that I commented that I wanted to see London, Paris, etc, and me accused me of contributing to global warmth. A little too close for coincidence I think. I posted to the thread asking if anyone else had rec'd an e-mail from him and he again e-mailed me, this time accusing me of not having the courage to e-mail him directly. After I stopped laughing, I responded. I've rec'd 2 more since that time, both of which I've deleted without reading. I believe he used his real name in his e-mails to me.
This being said, I agree with you that these are desperate cries for help. But I feel that we are ultimately responsible for the things we say. I have chosen to ignore this individual and I hope you choose to do the same. We both know he's just not worth the effort.
My best to you and the family,
Greg> Thanks for the unsolicited e-mail. I will formulate a response if my test e-mail to you actually reaches a real e-mail account.
> Theobold (who I believe is someone we all know) deemed Suzanne's death to be my fault because I chose to add to global warming by taking my family on a vacation, just to "to entertain" myself. It seems that my "lethal gift to my daughter" was "at the expense of the descendants of slaves".
> He (I am assuming) said also that the Suzanne's death was her fault and could have been avoided if she would have acted defensively and "cross the street as if a mistake could cost her life".
> Thanks for trying to upset me, dude, but I believe I know who this is from and do consider the source. You are a sad little man, who is despartely crying out for help. It is for people like you that I continue in the medical profession, instead of moving to the BC coast and spiking trees (as you would have me do). Please get some help for your antisocial behaviors before it is too late. - Cam (off to work to addict another 16 yr. old to stimulants).
> What a joke.