Posted by Kath on August 17, 2000, at 23:21:35
In reply to Re: Living On The Edge » Nibor, posted by Rhainy on August 17, 2000, at 10:10:00
Hi Rhainy - Here I am again, so soon; have followed this thread & once again, if you don't feel you have the energy right now to start a group, you might at least want to go once to CoDA & see how it feels.
I'd be very surprised if it puts 'descriptions' on 'God'. From our meetings, if I perceived 'God' or 'Higher Power' as a spirit living in a mountain or some volcano, or insert 'Universe' or 'Nature' for 'God' I could still benefit enormously from CoDA. I am not Christian. I believe very much in a Higher Power & it's a really important part of my life, but I'm not any particular religion.
One of the things that I LOVE about our CoDA group is how caring & accepting the members are. I cannot think of 1 who is not kind, gentle & truly caring! Naturally, there are different personalities & I am drawn to some more than others, but they're all very accepting of where everyone else is. It's truly one of the best things that's ever happened to me. I've made 3 very good friends in the group already after just 3 1/2 months.It must feel sad to lose your friends. My thoughts are with you & your husband. Take care, & keep in touch.
Love, Kath
> Nibor,
> I dont mind you mentioning the site again...I will check into it when I have the car next week. I dont have a phone right now due to money mismanagement (Mine) and only get to use the car 1 day a week or so.
> I agree a group may be ehlpful and maybe I *Can* start a group based on the same principles which is Non-Denominational....we will have to see where my head is at next week.
> I appreciate all the support I have gotten as a newbie here and am Very glad I found these boards...they are helping me maintain what little sanity I have left.
> BLessings,
> Rhainy