Posted by rjlockhart37 on July 16, 2013, at 0:37:19
I've really had a horrible 3 hours, ill be on one research, get into a agitaged state and then its like it switches, but I had spotify on listening to this cool music, then I looked the artist up, realized the Album is called Ah Cama Sotz - Diabolial obsession.....after I realized that, there's a lot of things I don't want to know
so after this 3 hours of bad stuff, I really have concluded there is a difference between metnal illness by itself, and then spirit manifestation that fuels the illness, but its the source of it. Psychosis by itself can be treated by a psychiatrist, but when the medications don't work, or anything that is hinting weird activites....I was reading about infleuices of the demonic relm and theres a spiritual disorder called diabolic obsession when someone gets trapped in a psychotic state that is being inflicted by another source - hinting spirits, chanting over again, riddle like thinking, madness... know im at the point where I don't feel there's anymore hope, I've tried, I pray to God, I go to church, its not helping, its getting worse too...the doctors just say its in my head...
I've gotta find some other sources, the disorders that are there, the temptation to read on the Devil, and Lucifer, listening to the music, and realized im not aware im doing it....I've really got to get somethings straight, im sick of going down rabbit trails in my mind, and losing the thought process in the progression to it.
sitting duck in the water, like being in a inner tube at a water park, just floating in the background watching everyone pass by and moving on.....
keep me in your prayers about this....this is not attention seeking, I've got to find more spiritual resources....this is not mental illness, its oppression....the worst thing is when feel no one can do anything....or help....
not a scholar but understand distress
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