Posted by muffled on October 12, 2007, at 15:27:43
This is e-mail I sent to T :-(
Just questions/comments:
1. I keep sending short mails, cuz then once its sent its sent. And then its more truth. If I try and compile I read and revise, over and over, and depending on where the thot came from and who its read by, it gets changed, and the original context gets lost.
2. I just goto ask, and mebbe there's no answer....but WhyTF don't you just dump me? I goto be SO freakin irritating. Annoying. Timeconsuming. Rude. Crazy. Dumb, Inconsistant, aggravating, challenging client ever known to you. WHY do you persist? It is illogical. Completely illogical. Ikid figgers we gonna wreck ya. Contaminate ya. So, you got your sh*t together?, cuz if you don't got your sh*t together, then we gonna mess you up. And reckon someone figgers if you had a brain in your head you'd get shut of me ASAP.
3. If you NOT gonna dump me...what you gonna do if I get pissed at something, like really mad? You gonna get all scared? NEVER show fear. Or mebbe you gonna get mad at me, well f*ck you if you get mad at me. You mad? HA.
4. B2's T wouldn't let her leave one time, she CLOSED THE FRIGGIN DOOR ON HER. If you too stupid to dump me, I tell you this, NEVER EVER EVER do that to me. Don't touch me, don't restrain me, don't physically stop me going out the door. EVER.
5. If you gonna dump me let me know before Tuesday, cuz ya know, I cancelled a meeting with the Prime Minister to go....I can always phone him and re-instate the meeting...I'm important people ya know..............................ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sometimes the printed word f*cks everything up, but manoman its kinda funny too!!!! 1-4 is serious, #5 I just joshin bout the PM. But I would like to know B4 Tues if you doing any dumping. I OK w/that.