Posted by muffled on January 25, 2007, at 15:35:01
I was noticing that when people are nice to me I get freaked, and when they even nicer to me I get MORE freaked.
I think sometimes thats why I get overwhelmed on Babble, cuz people are SO nice to me, and I get caught up in the niceness and there's more niceness and its nice.....but then I get freaked.
Another example.
My T is being SO nice to me. And she just phoned to say that we can walk next week which is SO nice, cuz it means she doesn't book an appt right after mine so we got time to walk. And we gonna go thru a book together. And I think she phoned bout walk today, cuz she proly wants me to be able to be happy thinking bout it. AND sometimes it means she gonna try and challenge me some...I do better out in the open.
But now I get freaked cuz WHY is she being nice?
Another example.
I struggle terribly w/Dr.Bob being nice. We interact in discussing some babble thing, and after a couple posts where he replies to me like I actually have a brain or something, and he's got it....I get freaked....
Freaked= scared and wanting to run away.
Is anyone understanding this?Muffled