Posted by Poet on January 19, 2007, at 15:29:06
Last week in therapy I could clearly hear two women talking and my T couldn't. She came and stood next to me, but couldn't hear them. She kept asking where the voices were coming from (me thinking, oh, oh she thinks it's in my head) and I kept telling her it's like these two were sitting in her Ficus tree, which is next to where I was sitting.
I left thinking I have really lost it. Then T called me on my cell phone and said she ran into the doctor from across the hall and he said that some of his staff were in the storage room next to her office doing some filing.
Granted I couldn't make out everything they were saying, but I caught some of it. I was worried since I heard them, they heard me, but T didn't hear them. None of her clients have ever heard anyone talking in the storage room, either. It's my sensory defensive radar hearing.
Today, we talked about how ticking clocks bug me to the point where I take out the batteries if I have to sit in a room with one for long. When the phone rings, I jump. I get sensory overload in noisy places like restaurants. Especially if the people sitting around me are yelling, which apparently they aren't, except in my ears.
Sounds get to me. Smells get to me. Touch gets to me (this is why only cyber hugs for Poet.) Dr. Clueless was right on the money for this DX.