Posted by ace on December 5, 2006, at 20:23:02
I spurn therapy in all it's forms due to the following....
1. I believe it is unethical for a practitioner to ask for money for advicing one on their life decisions, goals, etics, values etc This is better done by a good friend.
2. A great deal of therapy relies on the belief in what is empirically untestable, and hence is an affront to science: therapy should not have one to believe in a God, an Inner Child, and other such things. CBT has proven empirically sound, although, I question the statistical methods used, by which it has proved sound and beneficial. Further, many therapies actually act in juxtaposition to medical advice. Instead of seeking a doctor for an ailment, we should use visualization.
3. Counducting therapy to people with biological abberations is not only useless, but is cruel.
4. By virtue of it's very nature, therapy, from it's very outset, puts a patient in a position which pre-emptively thwarts the possibility of self-esteem attainment and autonomy. There is the THERAPIST and PATIENT. The therapist is guiding the patient, the patient is not guiding the patient. The power structure inherent in such a dynamic is repulsive. Therapists are only human beings. We all have our own paths we must choose ALONE.
CAVEAT: this is only my opinion, and I absolutely respect the right of others to theirs, and also to voice them.