Posted by GeneralSchlong on December 2, 2006, at 15:59:27
Ok first off, yes, I will change my name but I haven't signed on for awhile and I haven't figured out to do that yet. Do I have to register all over again to change it or can I just change it?
Secondly, Im really angry and frustrated over my shrink and its going to be really hard to write this without cursing in it.
Ok so I have a lot of crap/issues going on that I need help with. A few years ago when I was about 16, I went to a therapist who was no good but I continued going for almost 2 years. It was a total waste and I hardly revealed a thing to her. Didnt like her.
So I've finally decided to get back into therapy and give it another go. I went for one session with one guy who I can go on an on about in terms of how rude and unethical he was. And then finally-about 3 months ago- I started going to this other therapist who was PERFECT. He was basically everything I was looking for, and surprised me with how much he "got it" and all that. He's also really good looking.
Anyway, the first few sessions we started on time and ended, you know, 45 minutes or so later. Everything going well between him and I blah blah blah. All of a sudden, starting a few weeks ago, he starts taking me 10-15 minutes late and then ending several minutes early! Like SEVERAL TIMES WEEK AFTER WEEK HE'S BEEN DOING THIS. Not only that, but he does this even when he has no patient before me and hes just on his break. To top it off, EVERYTIME since the day i started, he calls me in and then does about 5 minutes of paperwork at his desk before starting the session- BUT TAKES THOSE 5 MINTUES OUT OF MY TIME!!!! So I have a once a week session with him thats supposed to be 45 minutes that ends up being at most half an hour long everytime. Hes attentive during the sessions and says a lot of helpful things and otherwise it seems like hes caring and not at all robotic and cold like a lot of other therapists, but I wonder if he's too laid back or if hes just doing that because hes a rude (bad word) who just wants to get the session over quickly and get the paycheck. I didn't see that in him when I started, but its possible he just flew over my radar.
I should also add that these last 2-3 weeks have been VERY HARD on me with a lot of im trying to deal with. I couldnt wait to start the session and he still started late and ended early leaving me with only 30 minutes. AND I WAS CRYING and told him I may need a double session. Who knows, maybe I wouldnt need the damn double session if he just gave me my full session.
You know, I NEVER ONCE called this guy outside of session (even if I really felt I needed to), I don't stalk/harass him, I pay him on time, and I never complain about I'm a pretty good patient. And he mentioned to me that he knows im going/have gone through so much and that he doesn't know how I do it and that he can tell im going crazy inside and out from everything. So for him to know that and still behave this way really upsets me beyond belief. But if i cancel this one Im not doing therapy anymore. In the past 3 months ive revealed tons to him and its been painful and hard and i cant do it again, especially not with some therapist like ive had in the past. Im still surprised that ive found one that clicks and understands with me well and he really is great in every other way but the time thing- but dammit that hurts and really makes me angry. Oh its also stupid of him to do this considering that, among other things, I have issues that involve neglect, abuse, etc and have had tons of bad relationships where ive been effed over. And he knows i almost refused to go back to therapy because I hate social worker/therapist types and have always found them phony due to several personal experiences. so id like to thank him for once again confirming what i had already believed.