Posted by Poet on June 8, 2006, at 10:53:53
In reply to Ha Poet!, posted by muffled on June 7, 2006, at 23:31:32
Hi Muffled,
Do therapists, pdocs, etc. honestly think that telling us something is safe (scream) will instantly make us feel it? My response to Dr. Clueless when she asked what made me feel THAT WORD was “ being alone in a room with the door bolted and that includes this room.” She wrote an down an awful lot for such a short statement.
Maybe we should have our own written ground rules that we hand them at the first session.
Therapist or psychiatrist acknowledges that s/he may not at any time use *fill in word(s) here* in any context. Therapist or psychiatrist understands the potential consequences for violations of this rule may include having words and/or objects hurled at them. Patient reserves the right to storm out and slam door. Therapist or psychiatrists agrees not to charge patient for the session if the infraction occurred within the first 15 minutes.