Posted by muffled on December 5, 2005, at 12:22:53
OK. I have appt tomorrow. I am going to attempt to express an emotion (other than anxiety!!!) to my T. Directly, not just in writings. I am going to tell her, to her face, that she pissed me off by bringing up the topic of inside me(the Kid)and asking her(Kid) if she wanted to say anything, just said this out of the BLUE?!?! (I dissociate, so I MIGHT have missed something, and be so way wrong).
I had previously sorta hinted alot about inside kid but previously she had COMPLETELY ignored it. Then bam she acts like its just the norm or something.
I don't know why I am so bothered.
I proly will wooss out like usual. But I'll get it across in my writings somehow. maybe. sh*t anyways.
Any clever thots for me out there you guys?
THX Muffled