Posted by LadyBug on June 20, 2005, at 15:23:25
My life has been so crazy the last month. I started a new job and this happens to be the busiest time of year for them so I've had to work more than my part time job I've been working at. I've had to schedule my appointments every other week for now. I've been so busy, that it didn't even bother me. Actually my T. and I have been through some major life changes so things were a little off for both of us in our sessions. I saw her last Fri. and it felt so good!!! We were so connected, it was if our spirits were connecting, that's how deep it felt to me. Now I can't see her again till next week and I am longing for her. I think I will call her today and change my appointment and move it up a day. I wish I could see her this week. I want to talk to her! But my schedule won't allow it. I always fight with not wanting to spend too much money on therapy. That's always been hard for me since I work part time, I can't afford to go as much as I want to go. Money always get's in my way of having what I need.
I come here to share my thoughts with you guys, cause I know you understand. I have a message on my voice mail from her. I play it when I want to hear her voice and it helps. I also have a picture of her that I love. I just want to see her and talk to her!!!! I will survive. I have to share my love here!! I have a lot to give!
I've loved reading here at babble. It is the greatest thing I've found and I regret not finding it sooner. I've learned that the feelings I have are pretty normal!!!!
You guys are awesome. I'm not the best of posting as I'm not totally familar with all your stories. It takes time!!!
I'm willing to jump in more!
Thanks for letting me share my longing here! I love my T. I want to see her!!LadyBug