Posted by mmcconathy on February 28, 2005, at 21:44:42
This is going to be last times i post for a while, i in a mental crisis right now, it is overwhelming becuase of the fact that my parents refuse to take me to proper medical treatmentm, they consider me a burden, but wont let me have the right to make desions, lock up my medication, wont even give it to me as it is prescribed to me on the bottle.
I can do nothing, i've already told my psychiatrist my mom walked right into the session, and yelled "im in control", threating to change doctors if he assists with any thing against her commands.
I have came to a point to there are not parents, they are enemies and i am going to get out of here, my stepdad will tackle me at the first sign that i look, "distressed" saying its a demon. My mom will just run around the house yelling, breaksomthing over her head.
I cannot get to help right now, they are keeping me from it, which is why now they have lost there role as parents, they ignore and condem any thing i suggest to them.
First operation, i have already am using Self-Hypnosis Cell Command®, to temporarly slow down any mental malforming, forming of new dopamine cells in parts of the brain which could have something to do with bizarre thoughts that have emerged, forming of Schizophrenia. I've told me self "sieze all current changes, it could lead to damage, we are in a crisis and we must work together" use the rest of dopamine drive to fight the evil parents who will destroy me." It is working, i;ve called insurance companies, and asked about plans, and im looking for a job that will pay well, until Collage.
I was schedueled for an MRI, i thought was going to be a miracle to see whats wrong, my mom cancelled it, she doesnt think it is needed. I have lashed out at her for her ignorance, and direcly what she is doing, she started throwing magzines telling my lunitic stepdad to come take care of him, i ran out of the house, and did not come back for 4 hours till 2:15 AM, cops searched for me everywhere, but i knew where to go and where to not go to be found, no public restrooms or anywhere near the commerce, deep in the woods, on a jogging trail.
Next operation is getting health insurace, and getting the hell out of here, before i do lose my mind, and lose reality. And then getting decent help from therpist, dissociative, MRI's, and someone to call when i have had spell out of reality.
I ask for advice on what to do, any support is honored, this is one place i do have support.