Posted by Shortelise on February 26, 2005, at 11:53:54
In reply to How do you soothe yourself?, posted by jasmineneroli on February 26, 2005, at 0:15:31
WHen I'm in the sort of state you describe, I tell myself, one thing at a time.
And I also tell myself, good enough is good enough.
That's so important to me: good enough is good enough. That keeps me from ripping myself up with perfectionism.
As for soothing, argh. I cry, etc. but there is no way for me to sotthe that anxiety when it is based on things I MUST get done. I simply have to dothose things.
What I do is make absolutely sure that I don't take on too much. I know what happens when I do and I don't want to be there.
But there is that high, isn't there? That creative zone I have to get into to get everything done, that pure movement place where another part of my brain takes over and I am in a place where I feel anxious, but good anxious, constructive anxious.
For me, not all anxiety is bad. I need anxiety to do my job - it gives me energy and creativity. Or, if it doesn't give it to me, it compliments the creative process, and I love it.
My solution, then, is to make sure I don't take on so much that I go into overload (that's how I ended up cracking up a few years ago).
When I do have anxiety provoking stuff niggling, I do it one thing at a time.
When I am working and I have to be super creative, I tell myself "good enough is good enough" and I just go with the creativity.
This doesn't always work, sometimes I get sick with anxiety, and I hate it. But is happens so much less than it did, and I deal with it as best I can.
I hope this helps. Anxiety can be so painful.