Posted by AuntieMel on July 23, 2004, at 15:38:42
In reply to Re: somatoform disorder(s), posted by fires on July 23, 2004, at 11:32:32
It's good to have you back, Lar.
I could be way, way off on this, and confused. It *is* friday.
It seems that we have an apple/oranges problem here. Or you are trying to say the same thing in different ways.
Ulcers and MI are things that can be tested for and diagnosed, notwithstanding false negatives. The theory of the *cause* of ulcers was found to be erroneous, but ulcers themselves could be diagnosed.
Somatoform Disorder, and others, are convenient labels that get applied when all other tests fail to show anything. There is a good chance that new technology will find, or help narrow down the diagnosis even further.
But the biggest point here, in my opinion, was that fires was diagnosed with it, without his (or is it her? please tell) knowledge. And that the diagnosis was done by a shrink, and without any testing to rule out other things first. That seems to me to be a HUGE assumption.
And putting it on a chart as if it was based in science seems totally irresponsible.
Fires set the record straight, and for that should be commended.