Posted by Gisele on February 12, 2004, at 1:23:26
I have recently been diagnosed with Bi-polar 2. 1o yrs ago I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety. (My psychiatrist thinks I was misdiagnosed because my symptoms fit bipolar 2 more accurately)
I take 30mg of prozac a day now. Prozac defenitely helps to a certain degree.I have been diagnosed with other health problems over the years.
-Severe sleep Apnea (definitive)
-Asthma (Mild to moderate, allergy related)
-chronic sinus problems (nasal polyps)
-allergies to asa, penicillin, sulfa
-Hashimotos thyroiditis
-Irritable bowel syndromeThere is a family history of alcoholism and mental illness on both sides. My mother was probably bipolar 2. and died from being on too many meds for too many years. They called it a progressive overdose.
-She was on 2 anti depressants, ativan, blood pressure meds, thyroid meds, then codeine to handle the pain. (she was pretty much addicted)she was also on a sleeping pill or tranquilizer on top of that. She also drank diet pop all the time (I wonder about aspertame) and coffee and smoked at least 1/2 a pack a day of cigarettes.
She was sober for about 15 years before she died.
Had been an alcoholic in her 30's.I do not smoke or drink coffee or alcohol. I think this is a big plus for me.
However I eat too much and am obese. I weigh 220 lbs.
I have had 14 surgeries in my life. 6 polypectomies (removal of nasal polyps) broken nose, 2 c sections, eye, tonsils, wisdom teeth, plastic surgery on my nose etc....Anyway there is my medical history.
My greatest frustration over the years has been dealing with chronic illness.
Our medical system is miraculous in many ways but wanting when it comes to chronic illness.I'm running from one specialist to another gaining a new diagnosis here and there. Getting new meds for this and for that. Having surgery. But never feeling like there is anyone out there helping me get to the core of the problem.
I have had wonderfull doctors who have given me much relief over the years with my symptoms. I am convinced however that there must be an underlying cause that we are not finding. Bandaid solutions are sometimes necessary but they are expensive and never permanent. They often cause more problems than they fix.What about the food we eat. What about all the additives, pesticides, herbicides, our water.
I feel like were all just banging our heads against a brick wall.
Why can't we all put our egos and greed aside and really research the core of the problem.
When is the medical community going to use their power for the good of man.
I don't want anymore band aid solutions I would like answers.
Prevention----- What about our kids. We can't keep filling them with chemicals for adhd etc....
Lets combine all the health disciplines. There needs to be a marriage between all medical and alternative disciplines.
I have so many questions.
Do I really have fybromyalgia or is the sleep apnea causing symptoms similar to fybromyalgia
Are my allergies causing bi polar tendencies. I have heard that many illnesses can mimic mania and cause depression.
How are all the meds I take affecting me? How do they interact? What should I replace or eliminate?
Are the doctors going to go over my nutritional habits and sort out if I have food sensitivities.
How does the food I eat affect me?They know so little and yet are so willing to fill our bodies with very dangerous medications. Where is the accountability?