Posted by alexandra_k on January 25, 2019, at 20:39:05
In reply to Re: games, posted by alexandra_k on January 25, 2019, at 20:25:18
I guess it's about getting through the ones whose parents fuckign well make you get them through. I guess it's about that.
I guess it's about them likely not sending out many offers of place and seeing who complains and how they complain and seeing which of the complaints to the Government they need to fend off if they want to keep getting those government funds...
F*ck knows.
I don't believe anything anymore.
I used to post to this website... Used to read from there, too.
Only, the people weren't that great, really. When I started having a hard time with being failed for Population Health papers it was like the vultures saw the weakness to pick pick pick pick pick... With friends like these... You know how that goes... I started to wonder whether people were posting honestly, or whether people were posting falsehoods (e.g., like the bodybuilding sites where people lie about their lifts for the kudos)... I started wondering whether people were trying to psych other people out, and so on... I think it likely that was the case...
More recently I read from there and have reason to believe a couple things to be 'baiting' me to jump back in with a rant about them calculating GPA's incorrectly this year.
One person posted that they calculated their GPA to be (something lower than) how their GPA was calculated for their entry offer. Only... How the hell would they know what their GPA was calculated for their entry offer? When you get offered a place you do not question how they calculated your GPA - you just accept your offer. It is only if your place is declined that you ask (and they may tell you) how they calculated your GPA. So it's a... Weird kind of a baiting thing to say... Unless they were declined, their parents queried, they got an offer by over-calculating the GPA...
F*ck knows...
Just stay away from all the b*llsh*t that you get because it's a program that has 19 year olds doing it...
We don't have classes for adult students to get a High School education in subjects like Calculus and Statistics and Biology and PHysics and Chemistry.
People here seem genuinely to believe that the abiltiy to acquire this is a feature or function of the young mind. If you don't learn it at whatever part of your development then it is gone forever.
Whatever whatever whatever nonsense that they spout to justify why their own kids get expediated through...
I wonder how many of those very young kids wash out. I think it is most of them...
Then GPs in RC's (general practitioners in rural communities).
It can never be about freedom... Freedom to pursue your own ends.
Everybody else has got a stake. Gets to stick their oar in.
No freedom.
No equality.
No justice.At all.