Posted by reboot on June 20, 2004, at 7:32:41
I am wondering if anyone can help me?
The main issue is when i drift off to sleep ...that split moment when you actually fall to sleep, i get an electric shock (seizure like) sensation. I feel i start dreaming way to soon and experience intense hallucinations shortly after i close my eyes. If i am lucky to bypass this seizure phase I will often wake and unaware of my surroundings (or even who i am) look at the clock and only 10 or 15 minutes have passed, yet i have a had what seems a vivid a long dream. I wake exhausted even if i have had 12 hours sleep. I am unable to work and general quality of life is poor (always tired, lethargic and depressed). I find it very hard to keep a sleep pattern solely due to the shocks which prevent sleep and leave me numb, shaking and disorientated, this can be persistant lasting hours. One onset sign is my legs become restless and kick uncontrolably. I have had mild forms of this for years with a gradual worsening in the last 6 months.
thanks :)