Posted by linkadge on January 13, 2008, at 17:35:20 [reposted on January 16, 2008, at 22:15:11 | original URL]
In reply to Re: Do stimulants induce mania? ))ShawnThomas » cumulative, posted by ShawnThomas on January 13, 2008, at 13:57:55
CSF HVA may be a reliable indicator of dopamine release, but not necessarily a reliable indicator of overall dopamine receptor interactions.
That olanzapine increases dopamine release in certain brain regions (5-ht2c antagonism?) doesn't necessarily mean it increases dopamine receptor responces. I heard an it argued that the dopamine receptor antagonism would to some extent negate proposed cognitive enhancing effects of dopamine release in the frontal cortex.
Stimulants don't always cause mania. They can. A large portion of those treated theraputically with stimulants don't display any symptoms of mania. There are even some case reports of high dose stimulants reducing otherwise intractable manic behavior (I'll look for the references).
Apparently bipolars have less dense prefrontal corticies. Improving metabolism in that brain regions may improve certian bipolar symptoms by improving executive function. I remember finding certain stimulants depressing.