Posted by sassyfrancesca on May 29, 2008, at 8:39:54 [reposted on May 29, 2008, at 11:31:57 | original URL]
Hi, fellow babblers!
I've been in perfect health all of my life. On Mother's Day, I ended up in emergency (pain in stomach, throwing up, etc, etc.....and blood; won't go into the gory details).
They did a colonoscopy a few days has been 3 weeks, and i still feel nauseous, exhausted, no appetite and pain in the stomach; going to doctor tomorrow.
Oh, I have ischemic colitis (meaning blood doesn't get to where it is supposed to go); I figure anytime blood doesn't get to a body part---that is cause for alarm! LOL
Still have my sense of humor though!
Love to all; Sassy
Wish i could get rid of the nausea; sucking on ginger and drinking ginger ale doesn't help; any ideas?