Posted by dreamboat_annie on April 24, 2007, at 18:11:50
kidney infection? In my case - 3! The first two didn't even do a urinalysis, even after I told them my pee was the color of tea! Finally ended up at the hospital because the pain and nausea were getting so bad. Plus, I was dehydrated from having a really bad stomach virus with lots of vomitting and diarreah for over a week. So, had intravenous fluids and was put on antibiotics to help clear up the infection. I feel like crap and it is bringing me down. The past month and a half have not been good health-wise - flu, stomach virus and now a kidney infection. Perhaps by the time this is all over, I will be resistant to any other bugs out there (fingers crossed).
I am discouraged and feeling sorry for myself :-(