Posted by spriggy on April 13, 2007, at 13:52:01
So after 2 and a half years of being told I had 99 other things- I think we finally have a DEFNITE diagnosis and explanation for the different health issues I've had.
I'm not even 30 yet and I feel like my body is 80 years old!
Anyone here with Lymes' that has recovered?It looks like this will be a long haul sort of thing.
My dr. wants me on the antibiotics for at least 6 months- up to one year.
I am noticing some improvement but I wonder if I'll ever be back to normal (Re normal: Before the unnormal time of life).
I am just so sick of being sick. I remember a time when I was healthy, running 4 miles a day, did not have to visit a doctor office for years at a time.
Now, I'm lucky if I can go 2 weeks a time between visits.
I remember a time before I had to take ONE single prescription or pill..
Now, I can't keep up with my daily meds.
Tell me there really is light at the end of this tunnel???
I think there is.. but I guess knowing someone else has come out of this tunnel and is already living in that light, will bring me some comfort!