Posted by Sonya on December 29, 2005, at 14:32:52
Farther up on this board I started a thread about having red skin spots (petechiae) which I was concerned about because they've only occurred within the past few months. I thought it might be from Depakote because it's a listed side effect. So I saw my GP to see if he thought I should get some bloodwork or if I should go to a dermatologist or whatever. He totally blew me off. He acted annoyed, put out and spoke to me in a condescending tone. Basically he made it quite clear that I was wasting his time bringing something this mundane to his attention. He knows I take meds for a mood disorder so he asked what drugs I was currently taking. That was the extent of the visit.
So yesterday I picked up a copy of my medical record from his office and will find myself a new GP.
I think this was my first experience with not being taken seriously about a medical concern due to my mental illness.