Posted by sinbadargonauts on July 12, 2005, at 15:31:22
Resveratrol is a compound taken from the muscadine grape. It works on all mutations and proliferations. Go to yajoo search engine and put in "aggarwal rwsveratrol". this will pull up 60 pages of research form Dr. Aggarwal and the M D Anderson Cancer Center in Houlston. also put is "resveratrol chemotherapy apoptosis". this stuff also acts as a COX 1 and 2 inhib, lowers Bed LDL, puts more 02 in blood system. Predicated on cancer type you can also look up research on oncology and blood. This stuff activates the gene p53, makes the protien kinases act right and does so much more report will blow your mind (the 60 page adobe). Tons of research. Man here was given up on by doctors and family put six caps a day in feeding tube in his stomach and now his is ok and in remission. Doctors don't understand. also drug companies may be able to mimic one pathway, but could never do what this natural God given suppplement can do. Spread the word now there is not only hope but a real cure and it's natural.