Posted by rjlockhart37 on January 15, 2014, at 18:22:18
In reply to the Book of Job, posted by Dr. Bob on January 10, 2014, at 23:07:19
the book of job was a test for job, to see if he would stay with God, and not curse, or run to other Gods, or demonic gods, or all the gods of the ancient times.
jon was a blessed man, he had alot of things, lots, and Satan saw this....i've read through it many times, and he decided to tell God, to test his faith, or his will if he would still stay with God, satan ripped him of everything, and made him sick. But in the end, job stayed with God, and didknt curse him, neither go to other ancient Gods....such as the roman gods, mythical gods from long ago, which in the bible are demons in heavanly places.... i'm not sure how to explain,
but the reason God wiped out sodom and gamoar[misspelled] is that they had become so evil, and did evil things, sexual immorality, everything that was rebellion against God, and thats why he destroyed them. Not to say that God back then was evil, in biblical terms, he was called the God of Israel, before Jesus Christ came, he was the "father" not the "son" such as christ, and through christ we are forgiven of our evil ways when we ask him for forgiveness. Back then, before christ, God punished them for their wicked ways, they had to do sacrafices to him. Now , i understand that appears that he is a terror God that terrorizes people who do bad things, but see that was back before christ, and the 10 commandments where introduced to make a law against sin.
The good thing today, is Christ...through him we can be spotless in frount of God, espcially on the day of Judgement after we all die, and our souls go before him, in the book of revelation its states this is belive. It's through christ that we will be saved from the lack of fire, or hell....some of my sources have to be backed up, im not a documented scholar on this. But that's just my 2 cents....
the reason god punished people long time ago is because they rebelled against him, and did evil things....and i guess in way that does say that God is evil for killing people. And their is alot of controversy, before the 10 laws of moses time....that people didnt know they where doing wrong or sinning....
the new testement will override this, because christ will save us on the day of judgement and from hell if we confess our sins to him and be washed clean.
thats my 2 cents lol but hope in some way it bring insight
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not a scholar but understand distress.....
"unheard pain, is the told through good company"