Posted by rayww on April 9, 2003, at 10:03:31
Thoughts and emotions pass in the writing. Mood swings produce strong feelings and emotions. I have always enjoyed the cycle, swinging from one mood to the other. With EmPower Plus I am able to live safely inside my cycles, while still enjoying the strong emotion that apparently comes in the territory. The emotions expressed here in writing often pass through as we write them. This expression is a real part of the spiritual swing in bipolar disorder. When my husband cautions me about my writing I feel he does not understand the reason behind it. When Bob cautions us I feel no one understands his. Perhaps Bob doesn't have moods, or doesn't understand swings. I'm not criticizing Bob, I'm expressing a concern.
On this, the 21st day of the war to liberate Iraq I am full to overflowing with emotion and spirit. The stone referred to in Daniel, the one to which Joseph Smith referred and was imprisoned for declaring to be the church, which offended the US Government who thought it was to be the United States of America, seems to be in motion, perhaps in the name of both.
This is a bold emotion, and I have put aside fear of criticism in order to express it in gratitude, jubulation, and humility, as I watch the statue come down, and the people rejoice.
God bless the world. God bless freedom. God bless freedom of expression and honesty, even the negative criticism, and God bless you.
And the statue topples, bringing down the symbols of tyranical governments, though the war will never be over until the great return of the master liberator, He to whom the world's government truly belongs, the great omnipotent Messiah.