Posted by lou pilder on October 11, 2002, at 9:59:53
In reply to A important explanation of the word-pharmkeia-(3), posted by lou pilder on October 11, 2002, at 9:34:57
I found out in my reserch about the Greek word-pharmakeia, that the word appears in the bible as the word, "sorcerer". And in my reserch I found out that a "sorcerer" was someone going back 3000 years or more, that used drugs to alter a person's mind. Hallucinogenic drugs such as marijuana, halluciogenic mushrooms, opium, and other substances were avaiable to the anciant peoples. And a dirivative of cocain has been found in the body of an Egyptian mummy over 3000 years old sugessting that Egyptians of that era travled to South America and brought back the cocoa leaves, since the cocoa plant is not native to Egypt. But, the plant could have florished in Egypt 3000 years ago. There is evidence that the ancient Egyptians used drugs for medicine and pain relief. In my study of the word pharmakeia, the use of drugs to relieve pain is not grouped with the use of drugs to alter the mind. In my reserch of the use of the word "pharmakeia", I have found that the use of the word, as translated "sorcerer" is confined to the use of drugs to alter the mind in a spacific manner.
poster:lou pilder