Posted by karen_kay on January 23, 2008, at 10:17:40
In reply to Re: let's get it!, posted by Mission7 on January 22, 2008, at 17:20:14
sorry, it's jsut something i say all the time, since it rhymes! your list is super duper! wanna get married? (you'll have to wait until toph and i get married and divorced, of course, but that shouldn't take too long. i go through men like underpants dear!)
here's mine!!!
10. ducky got a bath and i got to spray him several times with a toy. though he loves it, it's still a bit of payback for him being a butt sometiems :)
9. box of instant brownies in the cabinet, jsut waiting for me to cook them. i even have eggs and oil, which are essentail to makiong instant brownies. please do not try to make them without these ingredietns, or they will look like duckie's diaper!
8. i really need an instant spell check on my compyter. seriously, people must think i'm doign drugs or something, with the wya i type. it's pretty awful, BUTT!!! the upside is that i rarely get bad feedback on myu horrible typing skills and my laziness fo rnot goign back and correcting it! YAHOO to people who dont criticize!!!
7. my mother told me i was 'such a good mother' simply because i had a snack waiting for duckie, while he was asleep. i realize when he awakes form a nap, he's usually hungry, so i try to have a snack ready and wiating for him when he awakes. it's awesome that my mother said 'you're so cool. a nd such a great mother' sinply because i think ahead (hey, i'm neurotic!! but, i guess in her eyes that makes me a good (NO GREAT!!) mother! AWESOME DAWSON!
6. my son is trained to put his bowls in the sink! yahoo! i have a tiny little slave, that i can make put my bowl in the sink when i'm done eating! here's to trianing children at a young age!!!
5. coffee. we've got some cheap stuff in the cabinet, that mister kk drinks beforew work. but, i have some decent coffee that i've ground and have wiating for when i wake up!! yahoo to coffee and tht 'jump start' i desperately need when waking to 'waaaaaaaaa!!!!!' first thing in the morning! yahoo coffee!!!
4. smokes. yes, i'm writing it again. yahoo to smokes! what would i do without you (other than be albe to run form cops (ok, i can still do that, if i need to. actually, my friends call me 'chetara' because when i see a cop coming, my first reaction is to run like the wind!!).. what was i saying again? oh yeah, smokes! so, i can't run for pleasure (who in the hell runs for pleasure anyway? those people need to up their meds, seriously!!!), but i can smoke a cigarette like it's no body's business!
3. ryan adams. his music is wonderful, beautiful, magnificant. oh, and god, he's adorable! that's all i listen to currently, and that's all i need to listen to, me thinks!
2. dancing. i can't dance. seriously, i'm that person, when you go out to a bar or club, that everyone's making fun of. yeah, that's me! that's why i usually don't dance in front of people, unless i've got alcohol running through my veins. but, at my new place, i find i'm dancing all the time (unless of course, i catch a glimpse of how silly i look in the mirror and i quickly sstop dancing!).
1. little jackets! no, i'm serious! i wear little jackets all the time. they're great for winter time, when it's cold, but you just REALLY have to wear that sleaveless shirt. you can, if you throw a little jacket over top! yahoo to little jackets!!!!