Posted by runner01girl on June 30, 2006, at 18:17:58
Thanks for all of your advice. It truly is helpful for me to be able to talk to this about someone. I didn't mean to sound harsh in my last post, but I was so mad that I didn't get to see the doctor after I had worked up the nerve to talk about my problem. I had scheduled an appointment with both the nurse pratitioner and the doctor, but the office must have messed up my appointment. Anyway, I have a plan of what I'm going to do. Poet, you said that you can sometimes control your ED. I'm going to have a one week trial starting tomorrow where I'll write down everyting that I eat in a journal and give all that I've got to not binge-no matter how strong the urge. I'll occupy myself by reading, listening to music, or whatever. Here comes the big part. I want you all to hold me accountable to being binge-free. I'll post how I'm doing and it'll be the truth. I promise that if I binge within the next week that I'll go see a therapist or nutritionist. If I make it through the week, I'll take it from there. I think that if I can get this binging mentality and sugar fixation out of my system that I'll be able to follow a normal eating pattern. This is my senior year in high school and I really want to be doing great in running this year. I hope that by the time school starts in the second week of August that I'll be almost back to my old weight. I need to lose about 15 pounds of which I gained during binging and not running much. I think that if I keep exercising and eating normally that the weight will come off on its own. I might even see a nutritionist anyway to get down a good diet so that I'll have as much energy as possible during cross country this year.
Thanks again and please hold me strictly accountable.Runner01girl