Posted by noozyprexa on January 28, 2014, at 11:22:33
How to stop taking zyprexa olanzapine - withdrawals/toxicity/side effects/dependency* reduce pills slowly
taper it down slowly rather than going from full to half to quarter to zero
remember it takes about a month after you reduce the medication for the withdrawal/side effects to happen sometimes
if u think u cannot take the strain, then for a day increase the medication at that time, rather than letting things deteriorate really badly - emphasize
keep a baseline below which things should not deteriorate* do yoga
dont say it does not work
hire a personal yoga teacher or try out different ones - if u really cant take a class
explain your situation and ask for a customized list of movements and poses
you have to do enough asanas, pranayamas, bhastriks, kapalbhatti, breathing, stretching, poses
do it regularly - every alternate day or every day if you know what you are doing
try the difficult poses, try the intense activities - hold the poses correctly, do the complex variations
feel the yoga stretches - emphasize
dont hurt your back or your joints* go to a gym
go alternate days or work out different parts of the body if everyday
its not about intensity or lifting heavy weights or pushing limits at this stage
its about physical tiredness - emphasize
do enough repetitions or use a slow movement style of weight lifting
do enough cardio on treadmills, bikes, ellipticals and then also do weights
find a personal trainer if u have to - explain your problem to the trainer - in case u really cant take physical training on yr own
spend two hours at the gym if u can
what i found works was to get enough nourishment before going so that you can work out for 2 hours and tire yourself out to get proper sleep
boxing? martial arts? some sport? i dont know - they require a lot of technique - and training and practice - and a high level of intensity - a lot of discipline and focus and concentration* get a regular job
this will keep u focused on something
dont stay at home just repeating the same thoughts
keep yourself occupied with work
break out from the old patterns - emphasize
keep it pleasant and busy but dont stress/harass yourself out - need a good boss
also, making money should give you some satisfaction* social group
have some understanding friends with whom u can engage in some nice activities and not keep repeating the same thoughts and problems about medications
engage in social activities - or have a hobby - depends on yr personality style
stay away from dolts who just follow the system and spread propaganda
stay away from ppl who will manipulate yr current situation for gain - emphasize* doctors
be careful when seeing a pdoc/counselor
they may not listen
tell u everything is wrong about u
that drugs have no withdrawal symptoms
that no side effects
that no toxicity
that no dependency
they will want u bak* do not take supplements
do not take herbs or complex substances
dont know how they interact with each other
dont know which one is suited for you, at what time of the day, based on what u ate earlier, your health level, your mood level, etc
get your nutrition from a healthy nutritious diet* morning food / lose weight
losing weight and having a light healthy weight can really help to stop taking medication - emphasize
as soon as wake up take this morning drink: glass of lukewarm water, one lemon, spoon of honey, spoon of apple cider vinegar, fresh ginger juice, fresh garlic juice
(add cinnamon and cayenne pepper if u can - and drink it through a straw)
or you can take a small half cup of olive oil first thing in the morning
take a protein shake after you wake up later for breakfast so no empty stomach and keep u feeling full longer
i would take fresh coconut in the morning/take a mandarin orange in the morning
drink tulsi tea during the day - it will calm you down* meals / digestion
day time eat healthy foods - stay away from processed foods and processed meats etc
dont take a much water immediately with food - wait a while
take small portions at regular intervals - chew your food properly - do not over eat - control appetite - plan your meals nutritionally
make soup from bones and cartilage of organic source - cook for long
eat entire fruits - eat fresh raw veggies - sprouts
improve your digestion - take digestive juices from fruits/veggies with meal - take probiotics/fermented foods/yogurts/etc
find a nutritionist if u have to - to find your allergies, inflammations, toxicities, deficiencies, excesses, etc
its really important to stay away from foods like coffee sodas cakes sugar foods etc because they can really hurt your brain directly or indirectly
do not eat junk foods, do not eat restaurant foods - emphasize
nutrition/meals is a complete topic in itself - be careful of superfoods if u find it hard to digest them or if they make your thoughts excessively active
make sure to drink enough safe water without additives* night time take milk shake smoothie for sleep
organic milk, germinated sprouted brown rice, raw honey, fresh banana, raw almonds,
raw organic egg, sunflower pumpkin flax sesame seeds, whole grain complex carb cereal powder,
fresh nutmeg powder, wet cherry, probiotic yogurt, fresh kale/spinach, fish oil, turmeric, pine nuts, yakult.
this way you will lose weight plus get good sleep
you really need to get good quality sleep - emphasize* avoid
dont watch too much tv - it can really disrupt your sleep, or too much computer - emphasize
stay away from addictive activities such as: smoke, alcohol, video games, tv movies, junk food, porn, complaining/ranting/hating/regretting/online continuous chatting* short term
acupressure, massage, pressure points etc can help a little if u can find the right practitioner who can give you an intense session that will calm you down
panchkarma treatments like shirodhara abhyangam can help - as well as deep massages - even if just to get over a bad period* others to try
ayurvedic medicines helps just a little
homeopathic medicines helps only a little
acupuncture, chinese herbs didnt really help
orthomolecular did not work
energy medicine did not work
detox programs? well we are trying to reduce the pills slowly so dont want this to interfere* religion spirituality morality motivation goals
you need to figure this out* after you stop the medications -
really have a lifestyle that will not make u take medications again - diet exercise hobbies work friends family community travel etc-------------------------------------------------------------
disclaimer: these are not my views - please do not blame me - this may not work for you - find the way it works for you - be aware of yr own psychology
i am not blaming anyone
complaints/hate/suggestions/rants/love emails to:
u owe me one !-------------------------------------------------------------