Posted by neuralbudhist on December 23, 2009, at 17:26:44
In reply to Re: Experimental Treatments and Safety, posted by willey on December 23, 2009, at 13:41:42
> It sounds like you have a doc who i wish i had.I cant speak for everyone,nor can i say this is a fact,however most p-docs will not discuss with you actual medications they can themselves read on,they can be introduced to a drug they had not known,but they will expect to be able to do so from the database they use.
> As far as the ill effects one can have and i hate to use this term "self medicating" is no more different then when docs themselves have patients turn maniac on given meds.
> Lets bring in logic for a second,there is no scieance at all to what medication a doc chooses,they work off of information to which they have access to combined with their personal judgment when prescribing a med,there is no other way.
> Patients have similiar access to information,so if there where any scieance used in the office as to why i was given x drug then my view would be different.
> And self medicating is the patients choice,a person needs to hold responsabilty to their comfort level of doing so.
> For instance you mention the trials with glycine,however glycine as we speak is available on every gnc shelf.
> So its a persons own decision to get excitied from your info and go and start using glycine.
> Also if a doc were to be in control of my glycine use,what can he possably offer that i couldent?If im gonna respond bad to it its gonna happen,he will have no way like i to pre determine this.
> I also wonder if glycine were to become a drug,what would happen as it would still be on local health shop shelves,would people pay high prices when they can simply purchase the natural form from a store.
> I want to make clear i dont feel this way about all docs,many docs will force refer you to other docs when the problem is out of their hands,many docs handle conditions which testing can be done to evalute the drugs level,p-docs unfortunatly for us do not have this,they have the same as we do,an abundance of various information to which all every pieace is based on theory.
> Dont let me lead you wrong either,i loathe every form of mental disease,they steal your character,your pride,possably your career,family,and never tire down,so anything that ends up working for someone im all for it,i just dont wanna rely on 10 min sessions to achieve this myself.Yes I agree with your point. However, for myself the glycine was not adjusted randomly but titrated as regarding the criteria in the study and also my psychopharmocologist has been in correspondence with some of the major researchers of glycine in the field and they have discussed specifics as regards efficacy and side effects found in the Phase II FDA controlled studies that have been ongoing since 2003. My psychopharmocologist uses standard medications like everyone here takes. The only reason glycine was initiated as regards myself was because I have advanced tardive and could not tolerate Clozaril. There is a big difference between a person obtaining it and using it on and their own and what was initated regarding myself. A person can't self monitor for an efficacy of a medication as regarding schizophrenia. A person could be manic and think they were "cured" with anything. In the standard study glycine is specifically effective for use on negative and cognitive symptoms. I am the first to respond to it for positive symptoms. So this would be a clinical first as regards glycine which in not collerating with controlled studies could not be considered to be conclusive but as been used for a further understanding of NMDA receptor modulates in general among researchers. As regards psychopharmocologists, a person may not need one if they are doing well on a standard medication and dose combination but a psychopharmocologist might be helpful if they haven't responded to known treatments. That doesn't mean natural remedies would be considered but medications that are FDA approved but used for off label purposes might be within a psychopharmocologist's discretion. As for natural remedies in Europe they are clinically researched and prescribed as medications. You can't buy them on your own and they are only available by prescription. To me that's a fare more sensible idea but that's another issue in itself..