Posted by kekehuhu on May 15, 2008, at 6:54:50
I've been taking Taurine 3000mg per day from an energy drink with extremely good result! My anxiety was way down, depression was gone, and I was full of enthusiasm. It was the first time I felt like a tough guy like feeling. I've never thought I'll find this kind of effect but it was almost a miracle for me.
but, since taking the taurine from energy drink was quite pricey, I tried capsule form 2000mg. From the first capsule, it gave me crazy stomach upset and heartburn. I've always been having a weak stomach since I was young. My doctor thinks I might have helicobacter(was treated for it 4 years ago but doc says it might have reoccured) and ulcer so I'll have endoscopy done in a month. I'm taking antacid now to reduce the burning during the night.
I did some research over the internet on Taurine, and found the following:
methionine convert to Cysteine, and cysteine convert to Taurine. I also have some of the Symptoms of methionine and cysteine deficiency such as loss of hair pigmentation. My hair is black but I've been always having a few white hairs since puberty.So, I wonder if all these psychological problems I'm having are related to amino acid deficiency, specifically Cycsteine/Methionine/Taurine.
What would be the best supplement that I can take for minimum stomach upset? Will taking L-Methionine only increase both Cysteine and taurine level in my system?
I also read zinc deficiency can lead to low level of these amino acids.
I really need a good advice from someone who knows about chemistry. Someone who works in the field or someone who studied chemistry in college....since my doctor won't be able to answer these questions for sure. Thank you so much for reading :).