Posted by socalspence on May 4, 2008, at 15:56:41
I've read a couple books by Dr. Daniel Amen, where he claims you can be healed from mental disorders by the usage of certain supplements, and I am very intrigued, because I've suffered from alternating states of mild depression, anxiety, and brain fogginess for the last 14 years. I've been to psychiatrists, allergists, endocrinologists, and general practitioners to see who could help me. I've also increased my exercise and improved my diet dramatically, but haven't really been able to get to a point where I feel well on a consistent basis. I think most people would consider me normal but just a bit shy at times or just a bit grumpy at times, but inside I feel really bad, and just always (at least slightly) unstable.
Anyway, I've tried low doses of 5HTP, which help for a day or two, but then I start feeling strange and notice that my pupils are really big and that I don't blink much. I've tried tyrosine, which helps dramatically with the brain fog, but then after a few days it gives me the worst migraine. I've tried SAMe, which seems to treat me the same as 5HTP. I've also tried a regimen of grape seed extract which seems to have similar effects to Tyrosine (rids the brain fog, but then gives me a fierce headache after a few days). I've tried Gingko, but I think it causes me to feel a bit strange too. I've tried theanine and GABA for anxiety, but after a couple days of use, it leaves me feeling very empty with no personality at all. I'm now currently trying a formula by Jarrow called Neuro-Optimizer, which has, among other things, Citicoline, which it claims can heal the brain tissue of stroke patients and alzheimer's patients.
I've left out many details for the sake of not boring you, but I should mention that I think my troubles were caused by the usage of LSD (only 4 or 5 times ever) when I was in high school of which twice I had a bad trip (absolutely horrifying experiences). When I was 18 I quit drinking, smoking, using any drugs at all, and even quit coffee. I'm now 31 and feel better than I used to (the anxiety is milder now) but I feel a long enough way from normal that it significantly disrupts my life. I need some support, and I really think I need somebody qualified to help me (I'd prefer a neurologist over a psychiatrist, as the latter have not been helpful). Does anybody have any suggestions for me?