Posted by kmwhitt on November 19, 2006, at 20:42:42
This is something that has plagued me for years now and I am hoping to find some answers in this forum. I am a 38 year old male and am a sugar junkie. In the last 6 months I have given up alcohol and the problem only seems worse. I was a heavy drinker for about 10 years as much as I hate to admit it. I am slightly overweight, have no energy, am incapable of feeling or receiving affection from others, I smoke about a pack of cigarettes a day, extremely negative about people in general (don’t trust others) and a whole host of other crap. I know that I am meant for better things.
I have tried Glutamine. In fact, I can consume 5 grams and an hour later still put away a box of chocolate covered peanuts, a king-size Peanut Butter Cup and a pack of M & M’s. Quite frankly, the only time I feel normal is when I get this huge rush of sugar in my system. The other times when I try to eat few carbs I feel miserable. I have read countless books including: Potatoes Not Prozac, Seven Weeks to Sobriety, The Rosedale Diet, etc. and I understand the basic premise behind these diets and recommendations, but I can’t seem to last more than a few days until I am once again caught up into a major sugar binge. I am really desperate at this point since it seems I have no self-control. I have tried all of the recommended supplements: Glutamine, B-Complex, Tryptophan, St. John’s Wort, Chromium, Vanadium, Fish Oil you name it and I have a pretty good understanding about how these are supposed to work, but NOTHING seems to help. I understand Insulin and Leptin’s role in regulating these cravings – the way hypoglycemia works, but nothing seems to work for me. I am literally at the end of my rope. Life is just not worth living this way.
About 5 years ago, a doctor put me on an anti-depressant named Serzone. It worked extremely well for me. During the first year, I got my weight down to what I weighed in high school. I ate very well – no artificial foods. I was able to get up every morning and work out. I didn’t drink and my social life was booming! Life was GREAT!!! Evidently, Serzone causes severe liver damage so I stopped taking it. Needless to say, I was back were I started – 100% miserable. After this experience, I decided I didn’t trust doctors and started searching for more natural solutions. I haven’t found any yet. I am pretty much a mess. I am unable to stick to anything for more than 1 week because I feel so bad. Is it possible that Serzone took away my body’s natural ability to produce Serotonin? Like I said before I have tried Tryptophan –even 5-HTP to no avail.
I am just hoping someone out there has had a similar experience and could possibly give me some suggestions. I don’t want to sound like a “know-it-all” but I have read just about everything there is on the subject of low blood sugar and diet. In fact, it is the only reading material I have read in the last 3 years. I even spend hours each day searching the web for more information. As you can probably tell by this long rant I am pretty desperate to find an answer to my problems. I don’t know how much longer I can stand this pain I’m in.
I am even willing to take suggestions on clinics that treat this type of disorder. Again, I would prefer to go the natural route. Thank you for taking the time to read this……