Posted by Green Willow on April 5, 2005, at 16:47:31
My D.O. ordered the Cortisol Rhythm saliva test to check out what he anticipated were andrenal insufficiency symptoms. (He was correct, I am adrenal insufficient). I am wondering what experiences you guys have had with getting insurance to pay for this test? In my case, the doctor's staff is unwilling to submit the test to my insurance company and they will not provide me with a superbill to submit myself. My ins. co. says it is covered, but I have to get the right paperwork from the doctor's office. What I am hoping to do is get the right codes together to show the doctor's office, so maybe they will be willing to get together something for ins. if I can make it easier for them. If any of you know the correct cpt code and info to include about the actual test, I would appreciate it.
Thanks much, Green Willow
poster:Green Willow